Anxiety Disorder: What do you think it’s easy to deal with it?
3 min readNov 23, 2020
Image: Yendex

The sunlight of misty winters says something about the difficulty of living. Here I am indicating the situation of depression. Hence, these are not just words because Anxiety is real, and people who’re experiencing it becoming critical. In that way Yellow Xanax bars is the medication of anxiety.

When I was 12, my mother once told me that “Your happiness is not dependent, so never expect anything from anyone.” — She was right. But, I take those words lightly. Now am at the stage of facing multiple situations. My Amygdala wasn’t right due to overthinking.

Anxiety Disorder: It’s a feeling of living with fear and continuously remembering past experiences. Overthinking it and having a sense of guilt all the time. All these emotional impacts in the single brain.

Do you think medications work?

I observed various real-life experiences. In that way, medications only improve the condition but not cure it. Many neurologists suggest Xanax 0.5 mg in the situation of chronic depression. Hence, medications work according to various brain transmitters.

Feeling and symptoms of Anxiety

We feel numb during symptoms and tense situations. Our thinking ability makes us. So, overthinking is the first thing that makes that generates loads of negative thoughts. In that way, anti-depressant like yellow Xanax bars works to reduce the sensation of stress.


  • Negative thoughts
  • Overthinking at night
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of concentration and focus
  • Trouble in sleep
  • Restlessness
  • Headache
  • Extreme suffocation
  • Sadness or crying continuously
  • Feeling nostalgic

Is it normal to think differently during Anxiety?

According to the researches, we think deeply during overthinking. That makes us anxious, but the thing is that we can also think creatively. And only we have the power of transforming the unconscious mind into creative thinking. It’s quite familiar that we think differently during the stage of depression. It generates more logical ideas. But, converting it according to your ideological power is challenging.

Is it possible to deal with it?

Yes! It’s easy. Then why it seems so difficult to deal with it? It all depends on your psychological stability. We attract what we think. I understand it looks like a vast, challenging rock, and it takes a lot of time and courage rather than expecting it.

Image: Yendex

That’s the only reason medication helps you to deal with the situation. But there is another thing that you should try.

  • When you’re not able to face the situation- Run! As much you can, as far you can because sometimes we’re not in the situation to heart our self-esteem again and again.
  • Travel because it makes you feel mentally independent. Because your happiness is independent. Even being emotionally independent is also a game-changing situation.
  • A neurological medication or having a session with psychologists makes you feel lighter. In that way, Blue Xanax bars are one of the best medicational solutions.

Why it seems complicated to deal with the situations?

Thus, we humans make situations critical.

In fact, they’re not that tougher, but we think deeply. You know what, these are just illustrations. Your decision makes you. So, tie yourself with the right decision and follow it well. You’ll be alright soon.



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